Preschool Programs and Speech/Language Intervenion
Seden Centre
Seden Centre staff meets the diverse needs of the children at different developmental stages and ages.
We support emotional well-being and promote self-regulation by teaching children executive function skills to help them learn about themselves and their surroundings.
We support children to be their personal best and attain their potential.
Research suggests Executive Function is a critical skill for children to learn efficiently, transition from activities, follow directions, work with others, and be successful at school is self-regulation.
What are executive functions? Core executive functions skill can be taught (but rarely are) they include inhibitory control (resisting habits, temptations, or distractions, working memory (mentally holding and using information), and cognitive flexibility (adjusting to change).We provide children with the mental tools they need to learn on their own by helping them to develop the ability to self-regulate.
Self-regulation is the ability to monitor and control one’s own thought processes like attention, emotion, and physical behaviour. There are many aspects to learning that include social, emotional, physical and cognitive learning.
Cognition is the child’s perception, attention, memory, thinking, thinking (about thinking), and language (verbal, non-verbal, private, and verbal thinking). When we implore learning techniques that foster cognition and executive function children simply learn better.
In the Zone ...Redefining how your child learns.
The Zone of Proximal Development (developed by Lev Vygotsky) is the distance between what a child can do independently and what they can do with support.
How do we support?
With strategies, clustering, and using the chunking effect to increase memory retention. A child needs to have the ability to self-regulate in that he/she can plan, monitor success, and correct errors when appropriate. This is necessary for effective intentional learning. We believe in multiple intelligence and our approach to teaching reflects this by differentiating tasks to reflect a variety of learning styles.
In the zone, teachers will use scaffolding which moves a child’s experience from that of a spectator to becoming a participant within the classroom environment.
Scaffolding involves: · Attracting the child’s interest · Simplifying a task · Maintaining pursuit of the goal · Modeling · Stepping out an activity to digestible learning chunks that the child can understand and follow.
When your child is in the zone, he/she learns. |
When your child is in the zone, he/she learns.
Customer Testimonials
"Truly remarkable transformation in my child ... I don't know what we would have done without Seden Centre."
Parent JK Graduate 2015
"Believe it or not, my child was denied entrance to many preschools until Seden Centre. They not only believed he was worth it they helped him grow and mature into the fine young man he is today. Thank you Seden - a true life saver!"
Parent JK Graduate 2012
"I recommend Seden Centre to anyone who will listen. Their dedication to learning is nothing short of commendable. Love the staff -- Love the program."
Parent JK Graduate 2016
A child learns everything they need for life in the first six years
... we make them count.
Seden Centre for Child Development and Wellness
TEL: (780) 570-0661 FAX: (780) 570-1779 Email:
Wild Rose Square, 182 Sioux Road, Sherwood Park, AB T8A 3X5